Upcoming works
The Liefkenshoek Tunnel also received regular thorough maintenance in 2023. This was done at night to minimize the nuisance for road users.
The regular maintenance work is always carried out according to the same procedure: on Thursday the tunnel shaft in the direction of Beveren is closed for all traffic. On Friday the tunnel shaft in the direction of Stabroek. The respective directions of travel are completely closed at the Liefkenshoek Tunnel for all traffic at 9 pm, until 5 am the next day. Travelers are therefore requested to adapt their route accordingly.
The information below only relates to works in the Liefkenshoek Tunnel.
For information regarding the other tunnels on the R2 (Beverentunnel and Tijsmanstunnel) please visit: https://www.verkeerscentrum.be/werken/tunnelsluitingen.
Roadworks in the direction of Ghent
Thu 14 Nov. 21:00 - Fri 15 Nov. 05:00
No traffic possible between Tijsmans Tunnel and Beveren Tunnel in the direction of Ghent.
Roadworks in the direction of the Netherlands
Fri 15 Nov. 21:00 - Sat 16 Nov. 05:00
No traffic possible between Beveren Tunnel and Tijsmans Tunnel in the direction of the Netherlands.
Roadworks in the direction of Ghent
Thu 12 Dec. 21:00 - Fri 13 Dec. 05:00
No traffic possible between Tijsmans Tunnel and Beveren Tunnel in the direction of Ghent.
Roadworks in the direction of the Netherlands
Fri 13 Dec. 21:00 - Sat 14 Dec. 05:00
No traffic possible between Beveren Tunnel and Tijsmans Tunnel in the direction of the Netherlands.